A man from New York once came to see me. His son was in critical condition, diagnosed with cancer, rachmana litzlan. This man asked that I pray on behalf of his son in the merit of my forefathers. I did so, and with Heavenly kindness, the boy recovered. I told the man, “Now you must consecrate your son to Hashem. Resolve to make him into a true ben Torah!”
The man heard me out, but it was hard for him to accept my order.
“Honored Rav, let’s make a deal,” he replied. “This son is very clever. Let him become a businessman, while my second son will be devoted to Torah.”
But I was adamant. “Let him be both a businessman as well as a Torah scholar.”
He accepted my words. Today, he deals in business, but his Torah study is his main interest. Every day, he sets aside a few hours for Torah study. Baruch Hashem, to date, he has finished the entire Shas twice.
The second son went in his brother’s footsteps. He is a true ben Torah, whose life revolves around the Gemara. The man has merited seeing true Jewish nachat from both of his sons.