A Complete Recovery


A Complete Recovery

A man from New York once came to see me. His son was in critical condition, diagnosed with cancer, rachmana litzlan. This man asked that I pray on behalf of his son in the merit of my forefathers. I did so, and with Heavenly kindness, the boy recovered. I told the man, “Now you must consecrate your son to Hashem. Resolve to make him into a true ben Torah!”

The man heard me out, but it was hard for him to accept my order.

“Honored Rav, let’s make a deal,” he replied. “This son is very clever. Let him become a businessman, while my second son will be devoted to Torah.”

But I was adamant. “Let him be both a businessman as well as a Torah scholar.”

He accepted my words. Today, he deals in business, but his Torah study is his main interest. Every day, he sets aside a few hours for Torah study. Baruch Hashem, to date, he has finished the entire Shas twice.

The second son went in his brother’s footsteps. He is a true ben Torah, whose life revolves around the Gemara. The man has merited seeing true Jewish nachat from both of his sons.

He Threw Down His Crutches, Got Up and Ran

He Who Has Faith in Hashem, Magic Has No Effect on Him

I Defeated a Sorcerer with The Power of Torah

The Soldier Who Prophesied About His Future

Ask for a blessing from the rabbi

He Threw Down His Crutches, Got Up and Ran

He Who Has Faith in Hashem, Magic Has No Effect on Him

I Defeated a Sorcerer with The Power of Torah

The Soldier Who Prophesied About His Future

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha
the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin
Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier
Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico