A Healthy Dose of Zikuy Harabim
I once visited my family doctor, Dr. Bismuth, for routine tests which I do every so often. Then I returned to my regular busy schedule of receiving people, delivering mussar lectures to the yeshiva students, and various other activities connected with the public needs. I summarily forgot about the previous tests.
But when I was in the thick of receiving people that very afternoon, my secretary, R’ Yitzchak Marciano, came in and informed me that the results were not good, and I must report immediately to the hospital. I phoned my doctor, expecting him to assure me that there was no need to hurry. Imagine my chagrin at hearing my doctor, who is normally calm and congenial, speak in a most worried manner. He ordered me to stop what I was doing. I should likewise cancel my upcoming flight for the sake of zikuy harabim.
How could I possibly halt my holy works? That day, I was scheduled to deliver a shiur in the kollel, and, later that week, fly to Canada to strengthen the Jewish community there. It was inconceivable that I should cancel all of my plans. After analyzing all angles, I decided to continue as planned, not halting my efforts in zikuy harabim in any way. This is my purpose in this world; how can I stop in the midst of it all? I believed that, B’ezrat Hashem, my medical condition would stabilize, and I would have no need for physicians or prescriptions.
I was still sunk in thought, when I was suddenly roused by the ringing phone. My family doctor ordered that I repeat the tests in order to verify that my condition had not worsened. I did as I was told and then went back to my work, as I had decided to do.
I will not say that fear and worry did not enter my mind at all. Nonetheless, I placed my trust in Hashem. I truly believed that He can do anything and would certainly not abandon me. With this uplifting thought, I went to the kollel to deliver the shiur.
In the middle of the shiur, R’ Yitzchak, my secretary, entered. This time, he was happily waving a pile of papers in the air. These were the test results. A smile spread across his face, and he joyfully informed me that, Baruch Hashem, the results were fine, and I was in perfect health.
How thankful I was to witness the open miracle Hashem performed for me. I am certain that it was only in the merit of the resolution to continue in my pursuit of zikuy harabim, in spite of my concern for my health, which annulled the harsh decree.
Yesterday, the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin, in the presence of the city's Rabbi, Harav Eliyahou Amar shlita , to strengthen people in Torah, Emunah, and Yirat Shamayim.
Shiur link in Hebrew :
Some photos of the shiur :
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