
Exchanging the Cloth for the Fabric of Judaism

Exchanging the Cloth for the Fabric of Judaism

A priest, the son of a priest, used to propagandize, morning and evening, about the wonderful religion of Christianity and its remarkable leaders. But he did not practice what he preached. Somewhere inside him, he was uneasy with the whole thing. Various questions arose regarding the Creation of the world and its supervision. Finding no rest for his tempest-tossed soul, he decided to investigate all religions, searching the world for the one truth.

He finally discovered it in the Torah of Am Yisrael. He learned that Hashem is the Master of the world and constantly supervises it.

He took his discovery to its logical conclusion and became a righteous convert. Subsequent to transforming himself into a believing Jew, he frequently travels to the USA. He lectures before Jewish audiences, strengthening their commitment to Torah and yirat Shamayim. He has, to date, succeeded in bringing numerous lost souls back to Hashem.

On one occasion, he told his listeners, “There can be no doubt that this world has a Creator. When I was yet a man of the cloth, many questions plagued me regarding the Creation and how the world runs. I searched through all of the religions and found the truth only in the Torah of Am Yisrael. This led me to join the Jewish nation. My wife and I converted, and today, we have the merit of observing the mitzvot of the Torah.

“But one thing still baffles me. I, a former priest, stand here, teaching you, bona fide Jews, of the richness of Torah. You should be the ones teaching me. I am not revealing anything new, for Hashem’s Presence is keenly felt at our side, every moment of our lives.

“The main feature of Judaism is to be subservient to Hashem. The only way to arrive at the truth is by humbling oneself before it, and before Hashem, Who stands behind it. Only in this manner, did I merit to recognize the Creator and reveal the eternal truth of Torah.”

Every Jew should take the message of this convert to heart. When one humbles and submits himself to the will of Hashem, he will merit recognizing Him in the world. Self-negation and humility bring one to faith in Hashem and enable him to acquire Torah in a permanent way.

Exchanging the Cloth for the Fabric of Judaism

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Shiur link in Hebrew :

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Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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