The Evil Eye

An Eye Catching Cup

An Eye Catching Cup

Vast sums of funding are demanded to support the numerous Torah institutions of the esteemed Pinto family. Much money is required for building, maintenance, cleaning, renovating, paying electric bills, etc,. as well as providing the monthly kollel stipends. For many of these avrechim, the checks they receive are their only source of income.

Not infrequently, I am in need of immediate cash for any of the above-mentioned expenditures. I do not always have the funds available. But one thing I do have: belief in Hashem’s concern for the welfare of those who study His Torah. He always ensures that their needs are met, sometimes in the most amazing ways.

One such incident took place a number of years ago. I needed a large amount of money ASAP, and I had not the inkling of an idea where I would get it. That day, a wealthy Jew from Brazil came to visit me. After speaking together for some time, he stood up to leave. For some reason, His departure made me uneasy, and I asked someone to bring him back.

When he returned, I related to him the following story: “In my office, there is a cup which has stayed put for the past twelve years. This cup came to me in an astounding way. A man was celebrating a chanukat habayit in his new home. During the course of the evening, a friend told him, ‘You have a lovely home.’ Suddenly, a hole in the shape of an eye formed in a cup that sat on the table. Thank G-d, none of those present was hurt. I asked for this cup, and keep it in my office. It sits in its place, as it does not serve its function as a cup.”

Then I told the man, “I heard that you purchased a private jet. I would like to bless you that you never encounter an evil eye on account of it. If this would happen, what took place with the cup could occur to your plane. Also, it is a good idea not to take others for a ride in your jet.” The man heard my words and left.

A short while later, he phoned me up, quite shaken. “Honored Rav, when my friends and I made our way from Brazil to France, we made a stopover in Warsaw, Poland. Then we continued on to Paris. Suddenly, a window of the plane shattered, leaving the distinct shape of an eye. This is exactly like the story the Rav related. When I heard your story, I was left dumbfounded by the similarities in the two cases. I could not say a thing. Only now did I regain my composure.

“I have one question to ask the Rav: Why only now did you tell me this tale? We have met many times before, and I always asked for blessings. Why was this time different?”

“The truth is,” I began, “that I myself do not know why I told you the story with the cup just today.”

But the man would not relent. He and his friend felt it incumbent upon themselves to assist me in some way.

“Do whatever you see fit,” I replied.

They understood that I was in need of immediate cash. They sent me a very respectable amount of money for the sake of my institutions.

Then I understood why Hashem had directed me to keep the cup for so many years, even though it is useless. Its purpose was to teach this man about the effects of the evil eye. Hashem placed the words of the story in my mouth, for in the merit of this tale, I received the much-needed funds.


An Eye Catching Cup

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Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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