Toil in Torah and Mitzvot

The Ultimate Scheme of Things

The Ultimate Scheme of Things

A man once came to me and said that he was a senior worker at a large American firm which employed thousands of workers. Its assets stood at tens of millions of dollars. But now the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. He was making every effort to come up with a genius plan which would put the company back on its feet. He explained his idea in great detail and asked my opinion on its chances of success.

The truth is that I didn’t understand one word of his complicated project. The only thing I managed to comprehend was that there stood before me a very intelligent man. Not for nothing had he climbed the corporate ladder and attained a senior position.

After he finished explaining his scheme, I asked him, “And what if your ideas don’t succeed?”

He answered unhesitatingly, “Rabbi David, I have been working on these plans for the past month! They have to work!”

B’ezrat Hashem, your plans will work. But let us imagine, for a moment, the unpleasant situation of them not working, and the entire company collapsing. What would happen then?”

The man thought for a few moments. They he said, “Even if my plans don’t work out, due to the problems of the company, I personally can rest assured, knowing that I did my utmost to find a solution to the problems of the firm. Any lack of success will not be attributed to me, but to the company itself.”

The man’s words left me with much food for thought. We, too, must devise solutions for dealing with life’s challenges. But if the solutions do not work out for whatever reason, we will know that we did our share. We will be able to arrive at the World to Come calmly. Our Sages state in Avot (2:16), “You are not required to complete the task.”

A Jew must do his utmost to do the right thing. But he must know that ultimate success rests in Hashem’s hands alone. Without His help, nothing can get done.


The Ultimate Scheme of Things

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Shiur link in Hebrew :

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Additional sections

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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