
A Respectful Refusal

A Respectful Refusal

On one of my numerous trips around the world, the stewardess walked over to me and wished to shake my hand. This was an unusual gesture. It is the job of stewardesses to serve the passengers and wish them a pleasant flight, not to shake their hands.

Of course, I declined her offer, since it is forbidden to touch a strange woman. I asked why she had chosen me, out of all the passengers, with whom to shake hands.

“I honestly have no idea why,” she said. “But I felt that you have a special something about you. The Rabbi looks like a unique person, and I deemed it an honor to shake his hand.”

I explained that I am a Torah-observant Jew. The Torah forbids us from shaking hands with strange women. We are taught that one who is strict in this area is granted Heavenly assistance. I would never shake her hand. I added that it is the Torah that molds the character of the Jew. Without it, we would not merit the name “man.” The uniqueness that she saw in me was a reflection of the Torah, which I study day and night.


A Respectful Refusal

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Shiur by the Tsadik Rabbi David Pinto Shlita at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha


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Shiur link in Hebrew :

Some photos of the shiur :

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Additional sections

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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