Honoring Parents

Brazenness Brings the Redemption

Brazenness Brings the Redemption

I was once visited by a man who spent an entire year in the hospital with broken ribs, on account of being struck and kicked by his son. As if that were not enough, this son ordered his father, at gunpoint, to sign over all of his possessions to him. When I heard this, I was dumbstruck. How could such a thing happen? Throughout his life, the father provided his son with every type of necessary support. Now, after all this, he mercilessly decided to take his father’s life and repay good with evil. How could this happen?

Suddenly, I remembered a similar incident. A man once told my father that his son had bitten him in a most cruel fashion. Upon hearing this, Father stood up and cried out, “Baruch Hashem! Baruch Hashem!” The man was stunned and asked Father why he was happy at this overt show of chutzpah. Father explained that this incident was clear proof that the geulah was near. The Gemara states (Sotah 49b), “During the era prior to the arrival of Mashiach, chutzpah will prevail… those who fear Heaven will be repulsed; truth will be missing; young ones will shame their elders; elders will stand up for the young; a son will embarrass his father; a daughter will rise up against her mother; a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; one’s family members will be his greatest enemies; and the generation will be similar to the dog. The son will not be ashamed before his father. On whom can we rely? Only on our Father in Heaven.” Father calmed the man down and blessed him with all things good.

I understood that this man’s tale, too, was the actualization of our Sages’ words regarding the days before Mashiach’s arrival. Regrettably, for the sake of money, a son will hurt his father and threaten him with his life.

The only solution is to pray for the ultimate redemption, may we merit it speedily in our days.

Brazenness Brings the Redemption

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Shiur link in Hebrew :

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Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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