
Drained of Dependence on Doctors

Drained of Dependence on Doctors

The following letter arrived at our office in France and caused a great kiddush Hashem. It read:

Dear Rabbi Pinto, shlita,

I cannot begin without prefacing with words of gratitude toward the Rav who prayed excessively on my behalf.

Please publicize this letter to demonstrate Hashem’s greatness.

At the end of August, I went with my family on a one-week vacation to the south of France. I am by nature an active woman. I am full of vitality and manage on very little sleep. But for some reason, during this vacation, I felt a distinct lack of energy. I could barely move. I couldn’t tolerate the heat, and even breathing became difficult.

Instead of enjoying the family vacation, I became filled with worry over my health. I couldn’t wait for the week to end so that I could go back to my home and my usual, lively self.

As soon as the plane landed, I made my way to our family doctor in his private clinic. He was not terribly frightened by my condition. He suspected I had asthma and therefore prescribed a lung x-ray. I was surprised at this diagnosis, because I had never suffered from asthma before, but I did as I was instructed.

The lung doctor nixed the notion of asthma. But instead, he stated that the size of my heart really worried him. It was double its normal size. He therefore sent me for  an echocardiogram.

It revealed that there was a pocket of water surrounding my heart. Approximately one liter of fluids was pressing on my heart and preventing it from functioning properly. This was what had caused my labored breathing and could cause obstruction of the heart, chas v’shalom. I was admitted to the hospital, where the doctors told me that, Baruch Hashem, I had arrived just in time. They placed me in the cardiology ward for about two weeks.

The truth is that I didn’t know what was going on with me during that period. All of the pains and the testing came fast and furious. I felt like my whole world was falling apart, and I went into a severe depression. As if that weren’t enough, the doctors urgently wanted to check for the source of the fluids. They suspected a rare strain of cancer, rachmana litzlan.

I was overcome with dread. I thought I didn’t have much time left. My greatest worry was for my children: my three-year-old son and my one-and-a-half year old son. I didn’t know where to turn. Then I thought of contacting Mrs. Maguy Lebée, cousin of Rabbi David Pinto, shlita. I called her up and asked her to arrange an appointment with the Rav for a blessing on my behalf.

She generously offered her help. She said that the Rav had traveled to Morocco for his grandfather’s hilula, but she would make every effort to reach him and ask for a blessing. In addition, she instructed me to pray that all the fluids should drain and I should not need the operation. She strengthened my faith and encouraged me to face my challenges with optimism. She added that I should pray that all of my problems should be the result of a virus and not, chalilah, cancer.

One day later, the cardiologists decided to drain the fluids surrounding my heart. This would ease the strain on my heart, as well as provide material for testing. They inserted a catheter twice, but could not reach the accumulation of water. I underwent terrible pains during these tests, although I was under local anesthesia. Moreover, my left lung was pierced and the fluids were beginning to enter there, as well.

I became completely traumatized. I could not understand what was happening to me. The doctors wanted to try a third time to reach the fluids with a catheter, but I adamantly refused. I explained to the doctor that I am a believing woman. I wanted to take a break from all the tests in order to receive support from my community.

I phoned Mrs. Lebée once more and asked if she had managed to speak to the Rav. She apologized but said that although she had tried numerous times, she could not reach him. I notified her of my condition, describing the untold pains I had endured during the testing. I asked her to try her best to reach the Rav. I felt that only Hashem could rescue me from the mess I was in, and I sorely needed the Rav’s prayers.

The cardiologists allowed me a two-day break in the intensive care unit. During that time, Mrs. Lebée succeeded in speaking to the Rav and asked him to pray for me. She calmed me down by saying that he offered his warmest wishes for a refuah sheleimah and was praying on my behalf. He instructed that I should not agree to any surgical or invasive procedures, only medicinal ones.

Two days later, the doctors insisted on inserting a catheter to remove some of the fluid for testing. But I was determined to follow the Rav’s ruling to the letter. I did not allow this type of testing and requested medicine instead, in spite of the low chances of success. The doctors were very disappointed that I would not cooperate, but agreed to my request. They prescribed a medicinal treatment which would last for two weeks.

Much to the doctors’ surprise, after only twenty days, all of the fluids were drained. My heartbeat returned to normal, and my condition improved from day to day.

This story proves that everything is in Hashem’s hands. The power of prayer and the merit of the tzaddikim of old can abolish any decree and any disease.


Drained of Dependence on Doctors

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Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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