And from My Disciples, I Learned the Most
Our Sages teach, in the name of Rabbi Chanina, “I learned much from my mentors, and more from my peers, but from my disciples, I learned most of all.”
This saying came to mind when I was on my way to the wedding of a disciple. A short while before he was scheduled to walk to the chuppah, he called me up, asking that I give a blessing to a few sick people who were in need of healing. He related that he was on his way to visit them in various hospitals, hoping he would bring them some joy.
I blessed the sick, as he had asked. As I hung up, I contemplated the tremendous love for one’s fellow Jew that I had just observed in my disciple. Such self-negation on behalf of another Jew! What a humbling experience this was for me.
A groom is usually tense and nervous on his wedding day. He must prepare properly for his wedding. Instead of taking care of personal matters, this chatan thought of others. He concerned himself with their welfare and how best to cheer them up.
I have no doubt that his deeds, testifying to his noble qualities, caused a stir in Heaven. This was certainly a good way to begin a marriage, bringing the Shechinah into his home.
Yesterday, the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin, in the presence of the city's Rabbi, Harav Eliyahou Amar shlita , to strengthen people in Torah, Emunah, and Yirat Shamayim.
Shiur link in Hebrew :
Some photos of the shiur :
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