Only Hashem Above
Many years were spent creating the amazing French aircraft called the Concorde. Its uniqueness lay in its speed. It could cover two thousand five hundred kilometers in one hour.
In order to rev up the engine to reach the heights of twenty kilometers above ground, the pilot had to drive on the runway at the rate of four hundred kilometers an hour. A trip from France to New York, which normally takes approximately eight hours, took only three and a half hours.
This aircraft would bring much technical advancement in its wake. Obviously, the pride of the French was sky-high.
But Hashem had other plans on His itinerary. During one landing, an engine caught fire. The men at the control tower reported that the plane would not be able to fly for much longer, and the pilot would not manage to come in for a safe landing. The plane and its passengers would be a thing of the past.
The Concorde, indeed, had its head in the clouds for some time, but then took a dive downward and smashed to smithereens. There was much loss of life and property. France absorbed a heavy loss, not only of its men, but of its pride.
The French were certain it was their expertise which allowed them to invent such a fabulous, state-of-the-art aircraft. But Hashem showed them that He is above all planes, no matter how high they soar. In one instant, man’s powers and prowess are gone with the wind.
The Concorde provided me with a great mussar lesson. In order for this complicated machine to ascend, all of its internal parts had to operate optimally, without any hitches or glitches. Any small disorder could cause the downfall of many.
This is the way man operates in this world, as well.
Hashem endowed man with tremendous strength. He has the energy to overcome laziness and the challenges which come his way. Moreover, he has the tools necessary to reach great heights in Avodat Hashem. This can be done only by galvanizing all of his inner power and immersing himself fully in the observance of Torah and mitzvot.
Before going on the road, man should see to it that his mitzvot are done with wholeheartedness. When a person does not do a mitzvah perfectly because he does not value it sufficiently, he might stumble in sin the next time it comes to doing a mitzvah. If a person, chalilah, refuses to use his G-d-given talents, he will end up like the plane, crashing into sin, chas v’shalom. He will be denied the opportunity to do teshuvah.
But when a Jew keeps a mitzvah punctiliously, he feels it in his insides. He appreciates its value and is only too happy to observe it. This type of mitzvah draws another mitzvah after it. In this manner, he grows greater in his service of Hashem.
Yesterday, the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin, in the presence of the city's Rabbi, Harav Eliyahou Amar shlita , to strengthen people in Torah, Emunah, and Yirat Shamayim.
Shiur link in Hebrew :
Some photos of the shiur :
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