Controlling One’s Passions

Rays of Holiness

An elderly man once approached me. His eyes were swollen, his leather face was withered with wrinkles, and his entire body was burnt by the sun’s rays. When I asked him how he had reached such a state, he explained that his face was wrinkled and dark from spending excessive time under the sun’s strong rays, with the goal of getting a good suntan. And his bloated eyes were the result of spending his nights in revelry instead of having normal nights of sleep.

I was filled with a sense of dread. What will this man say in his defense when he faces the Heavenly Tribunal? Will he have the gall to repeat what he disclosed to me, that he had squandered his days and nights in physical frivolities?

At the opposite end of the spectrum, we find the man whose eyes are swollen from lack of sleep due to plumbing the depths of Torah in the late hours of the night. Praiseworthy is the man whose face is wrinkled from exertion in Torah. Lucky is the one whose hair has whitened due to toil in our holy Torah.

How lucky we are, and how fortunate is our lot!


Rays of Holiness

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Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Shiur by the Tsadik Rabbi David Pinto Shlita at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha


the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Yesterday, the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin, in the presence of the city's Rabbi, Harav Eliyahou Amar shlita , to strengthen people in Torah, Emunah, and Yirat Shamayim.

Shiur link in Hebrew :

Some photos of the shiur :

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Shiur by the Tsadik Rabbi David Pinto Shlita at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim (30 days) since the passing of the soldier Elie Eliyahou Haim ben Itshak z"l, who fell in Gaza.

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico with the Tzadik, Rabbi David Hanania Pinto Shlita.


The Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto Shlita writing Chidushe Torah during his flight to Mexico.

The Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto Shlita writing Chidushe Torah during his flight to Mexico.

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The restaurant of the heart - the heart of Yaacov in Netanya prepares all the meals every Shabbat for 120 families, delivering them directly to their homes, so they can have a pleasant Shabbat.

Additional sections

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana - Parashat Shelach Lecha

Activity of the Rav

the Tzadik Rabbi David Pinto shlitah gave a shiur in the city of Modiin

Activity of the Rav

Shiur at Kollel Kol Haim in Raanana, marking the shlochim of the soldier

Activity of the Rav

Shachrit (morning prayers) in the established Chevrat Pinto, Mexico

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